The Podcast Nobody Will Listen To
Episode #12: Bad Clothes
Apparently, our wardrobes are in need of an upgrade…but maybe we are just not ready for the commitment.
Episode #11: Lessons that stuck with us
Did you ever say something to your kids and think to yourself, “Oh my goodness, was that me or my Dad who just said that.” We learned a lot of great lessons from our parents. Some phrases stuck better than others.
Episode #10: Catholic School
Did you attend Catholic school? We did…and the thoughts of our friends, teachers, nuns, and priests bring back fun memories.
Episode #9: Escaping Winter
It is the dead of winter and pandemic fatigue is a real thing. We all need to find that magic snowball of why we love living in Western NY. What is your favorite winter memory?
Episode #8: Ringy Dingy
Do you take your smart phone for granted? Get frustrated when Google doesn’t pull up contact info fast enough? Just think about the hours spent leafing through a 3000 page phone book to find your friend’s number. In this episode, Terry and Kelly remember when phone privacy meant sliding the cord under a bedroom door.
Episode #7: Travel Nightmares
It is not the destination…it is the journey. Bwhahahah. At some point, we have all had the travel experience from hell. Rude people, flat tires, cancelled flights. The worst travel nightmares make the best stories, but only after you make it home and back to a normal blood pressure.
Episode #6: Travel Surprises
Terry and Kelly approach travel very differently. Terry lines out the details of planes, trains, and automobiles while Kelly loves to absorb the sites, sounds, and culture of her surroundings. Same trips…different experiences.
Episode #5: Take Back Christmas!
Does holiday stress and pandemic fatigue got you down? Take back your Christmas with family, fun, and Obi Wan.
Episode #4: Ode to Gum
Could you survive on gum? Kelly says, “Yes!” Terry says, “No.”
What do you think?
Episode #3: I got the need. The need for 80s movie quotes.
Yea, we grew up 80s…and a decade of great movies provided a decade of great movie quotes. What is your favorite 80s movie quote?
Episode #2: What’s in a Name
We call this podcast series “The Podcast Nobody Will Listen To.” This episode explains why we chose the title.
Episode #1: Soundcheck and Kelly’s Fun Car Games
Here is our first shot at making a podcast. Doing a sound check on this new equipment and chatting about some random topics. Enjoy!